Cynthia Cardone, Week 5


The painting is based on what I have learned and saw at East Rock Park, the smart living center, Yale garden, from the workshop we have also done. I came up with the out line based on the things that we have learned over the summer. People have always have said that they wanted more feed back on what the teens thought of things and this will be my version of what I have learned and what I like. The things that will be used are the acrylic pants and the board will be a small canvas to go with it.

List of things in the painting and what they mean to me.

  • Tree- The growth over a length of time, every thing is different. From recycling with C.J. May because they give us paper and we can reuse it again.
  • Plants- A pretty environment, different colors, sizes, and shapes. Dave, every thing that is living comes in different ways.
  • Birds/animals- Life in the wild and a sort of freedom. Jack Hitt “we are the only writing creature.”
  • The blue sky- A clean sea to look up at is the way to go. C.J. May because he said that we need to stop the pollution.
  • Compost pile- A way to give back to the earth when it has given us so much. Ranger Dan, give back what we receive.
  • Wind power- A way to use a natural resource as a power source, Smart living Center, their are a lot of ways to save money and to get electricity and to pat less.

Waste not, want not?
Don't waste what you do have because some people don't have what you have. People would always want what they don’t have, but if they don’t have it they can not waste it and make a fuss over it. Sometimes people have things that will last for so long and then they will get rid of it and then there are people that just buy things because they see it on TV and then they only use it for a while then get rid off it. You can not waste what you don’t have in order to waste it you have to have it. When we went to the recycling with C.J. May he talked about how we can change the way that we burn the trash and put things in land fills. The way that there are still factories that are still using coal that burn into the atmosphere and it causes pollution. Then at the smart living center he was saying that if we used less of the factories and we started to use solar power, wind power, or water power we will save a lot more money in life because we are not wasting electricity and we are getting more power by using then.

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